How to Convert to Islam

How to Convert to Islam

Islam is one of the major heavenly religions in the world, and it has great importance in the lives of millions of people. Here is an introduction to the importance of Islam:

1. Monotheism and belief in God: Islam is based on the principle of monotheism, which is belief in one God with no partner. This principle strengthens the unity of Muslims and unites them under one belief.

2. Moral values: Islam calls for a set of moral values ​​such as honesty, integrity, justice, mercy, and tolerance. These values ​​help build a cohesive and interconnected society.

3. Islamic law: Islamic law provides a comprehensive legal and social system that regulates the lives of Muslims in various aspects, from worship to daily transactions.

4. Worship and closeness to God: Islam encourages worship and closeness to God through prayer, fasting, zakat, and Hajj. These acts of worship enhance spirituality and increase piety.

5. Knowledge and knowledge: Islam urges the pursuit of knowledge and considers them essential in the life of a Muslim. Many Muslim scholars have contributed significantly to various sciences and arts.

6. Peace and Coexistence: Islam calls for peace and peaceful coexistence with others, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. This promotes understanding and cooperation between different peoples and cultures.

Why do people choose to convert to Islam?

How to calculate Eid al-Fitr zakat
How to Convert to Islam

There are many reasons why people choose to convert to Islam. Here are some common reasons:

1. Search for spiritual truth: Many people find in Islam the answers to their spiritual and existential questions. Islam offers a comprehensive vision of life, death, and the purpose of existence.

2. Monotheism: Islam is based on the principle of monotheism, which is the belief in one God with no partner. This principle attracts many who are looking for a religion that unites them directly with their Creator without intermediaries.

3. Moral values: Islam calls for a set of high moral values ​​such as honesty, integrity, justice, mercy, and tolerance. These values ​​help build a cohesive and interconnected society.

4. Islamic law: Sharia provides a comprehensive legal and social system that regulates the lives of Muslims in all aspects, providing them with a clear framework for daily life.

5. Inner peace: Many people find inner peace and reassurance in Islam through worship and closeness to God.

6. Islamic community: Belonging to an Islamic community can provide strong social and spiritual support, enhancing a sense of belonging and security.

7. Knowledge and science: Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge and science and considers them essential in the life of a Muslim. Many Muslim scholars have contributed significantly to various sciences and arts. 12.

How to enter the Islamic religion
Subtitle: Pronouncing the Shahada
What are the Shahada?

The Shahada is the first pillar of Islam, and it is a declaration of faith that every Muslim must pronounce and believe in. The two testimonies are:

1. The first testimonial: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,”  which means acknowledging that there is no true god but Allah alone and that He has no partner in worship.

2. The second testimonial: “And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,”  which means acknowledging that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the Messenger of God and that he is the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers.

Reciting the two testimonies with sincerity and certainty is what brings a person into Islam, and this declaration is considered the foundation of the Islamic faith. Is there anything else you would like to know about the two testimonies or any other aspect of Islam?

How to pronounce the two testimonies correctly

To pronounce the two testimonies correctly, you can follow these steps:

1. The first testimonial:

Pronunciation: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.”
Interpretation: It means acknowledging that there is no true god but Allah alone and that He has no partner in worship.

2. The Second Testimony:

Pronunciation: “And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.”
Interpretation: It means acknowledging that Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the Messenger of God and that he is the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers.

You can listen to the correct pronunciation of the two testimonies through educational videos on the Internet, such as this video that explains how to pronounce Arabic words and sentences correctly.

2: Washing and Purification
The importance of washing upon entering Islam

Washing upon entering Islam is an important step that symbolizes purity and cleanliness, and it reflects the Muslim’s new commitment to faith and obedience. Here are some reasons that highlight the importance of washing:

1. Spiritual and physical purity: Washing symbolizes the purification of the soul and body from previous sins and transgressions, which enhances the feeling of purity and starting anew.

2. Preparation for worship: Washing helps the new Muslim prepare for worship properly, as performing prayer and other acts of worship requires purity.

3. Commitment to Sharia: Ablution is part of Islamic Sharia that regulates the life of a Muslim in all its aspects, including purity and cleanliness.

4. Enhancing the sense of belonging: Ablution enhances the new Muslim’s sense of belonging to the Islamic community, as he follows the same rituals and practices that other Muslims follow.

5. Health benefits: Ablution has many health benefits, such as improving personal hygiene and reducing the risk of disease12.

How to Ablution and Purify

Ablution and purification are important matters in Islam to maintain purity and personal cleanliness. Here are the steps for a complete ablution:

Intention: The intention must be in the heart to perform ablution for purity.
Bismillah: Saying “In the name of God” before starting.
Washing the hands: Washing the hands three times.
Washing the private parts: Cleaning the private parts well.
Wudu: Perform complete ablution as you do for prayer.
Washing the head: Pour water over the head three times, making sure that the water reaches the scalp.
Washing the body: Wash the entire body, starting from the right side and then the left, making sure that the water reaches all parts of the body.
3: Repentance from sins previous
The Importance of Repentance Upon Entering Islam

Repentance in Islam is considered one of the most important acts that a Muslim can do, whether he is new to Islam or an old one. Here are some points that explain the importance of repentance:

Getting closer to God: Repentance is a way to return to God after committing sins, and it is an expression of regret and a desire to correct one’s path.
Forgiveness of sins: God Almighty forgives all sins for those who sincerely repent, no matter how big or small. In the Holy Quran, God says: “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves, do not despair of the mercy of God. Indeed, God forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.’” (Surat Az-Zumar, verse 53) 2.
Transforming bad deeds into good deeds: Allah promises to transform bad deeds into good deeds for those who repent, believe, and do good deeds. In Surah Al-Furqan, Allah says: “Except for those who repent, believe, and do righteous work. For them, Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah Al-Furqan, verse 70) 1.
Psychological comfort: Repentance gives a person a sense of psychological comfort and reassurance, as the Muslim feels that he has been cleansed of his sins and drawn closer to Allah.

Positive change: Repentance requires ceasing to sin and having a sincere intention not to return to it, which leads to improving behavior and life in general.

How to repent and stay away from sins

Repentance and staying away from sins in Islam require specific steps to ensure that they are accepted by Allah Almighty. Here’s how to do it:

Steps of repentance:
Quitting sin immediately: You must stop committing the sin immediately.
Regretting for the past: feeling true remorse for committing the sin.
Resolving not to return: Making a sincere decision not to return to sin again.
Returning rights: If the sin is related to the rights of others, you must return the rights to their owners or ask for their forgiveness.
How to stay away from sins:
Stay away from stimulating situations. Avoid places and people that may push you to commit sins.
Be busy with good deeds: Fill your time with good deeds such as prayer, reading the Quran, and charity.
Good company: Befriending people who help you to obey and stay away from sins.
Supplication and seeking forgiveness: Continue supplicating and seeking forgiveness to ask Allah for help to remain steadfast and stay away from sins.

Repentance is an ongoing process, and you should not despair if you return to sin again. The important thing is to continue repenting and returning to Allah sincerely.

4: Learn the basics of Islam
The importance of learning prayer and fasting

Learning prayer and fasting in Islam is of great importance, as they are two of the five pillars of Islam. Here are some points that explain the importance of each:

The importance of learning prayer:
A direct connection with God: Prayer is a means of direct communication with God, as a Muslim stands before God five times a day.
Purification of the soul: Prayer helps purify the soul from sins and transgressions and gives the Muslim an opportunity to repent and seek forgiveness.
Discipline and commitment: Prayer enhances discipline and commitment in the life of a Muslim, as he must perform it at specific times every day.
Psychological comfort: Prayer gives the Muslim a sense of psychological comfort and reassurance as he finds refuge from the worries of daily life.
The importance of learning fasting:
Getting closer to God: Fasting is an act of worship that brings the Muslim closer to God, as he abstains from food, drink and desires from dawn to sunset.
Purifying the soul: Fasting helps purify the soul from sins and transgressions and enhances patience and endurance.
Solidarity with the poor: Fasting makes the Muslim feel the suffering of the poor and needy, which enhances the spirit of solidarity and social solidarity.
Health Benefits: Fasting has many health benefits, as it helps improve digestive functions and regulate blood sugar levels23.

Learning to pray and fast is not only to achieve spiritual benefits but also to enhance mental and physical health.

How to learn ablution and prayer

To learn ablution and prayer correctly, you can follow these steps:

Intention: Start with the intention of ablution in your heart.
Basmala: Say “In the name of God.”
Washing hands: Wash your hands up to the wrists three times.
Gargling: Take water in your mouth and wash it three times.
Inhalation: Inhale water into your nose and then exhale it three times.
Washing face: Wash your face from the hairline to the bottom of the chin and from ear to ear three times.
Washing hands to the elbows: Wash your right hand to the elbow three times, then the left.
Wiping the head: Wipe your head once from front to back.
Wiping the ears: Wipe inside and outside the ears once.
Washing feet: Wash your right foot to the heels three times, then the left.
Intention: Intend to pray in your heart.
Ihram Takbirat: Raise your hands to the level of your ears and say “Allahu Akbar.”.
Reciting Al-Fatihah: Recite Surah Al-Fatihah.
Reciting a short Surah: Recite a short Surah from the Quran.
Ruku’: Bow down and say “Subhan Rabbi Al-Azim” three times.
Rising from Ruku’: Stand up and say, “Sami’ Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbi laka al-hamd.”.
Sajdah: Prostrate and say “Subhan Rabbi Al-A’la” three times.
Sitting between the two prostrations: Sit and say, “Lord, forgive me.”.
Second prostration: prostrate again and say “Subhan Rabbi Al-A’la” three times.
Tashahhud: Sit and say the Tashahhud.
Salam: Turn to the right and say “As-salamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi,”  then to the left and say the same.
Useful Resources
You can watch educational videos like this one to learn Wudu in an easy way.
Or this video to learn the correct way to perform Wudu.
5: Log in to Islam officially
The importance of logging in to the Sharia court

Logging in to the Sharia court, especially through electronic services such as the “Najiz” platform, is of great importance in facilitating judicial procedures and saving time and effort. Here are some of the main benefits:

Access to information: You can easily view all documents and memoranda submitted in the case, which ensures transparency and clarity in the procedures.
Electronic pleading: You can submit pleadings and respond to inquiries from the judicial circle without the need for personal attendance, saving time and effort.
Exchange of memos: The system allows you to exchange memoranda and documents with other parties electronically, which facilitates the communication process and enhances the efficiency of procedures.
Electronic sessions: You can attend sessions remotely, whether written or visual, allowing you to participate effectively without the need to be physically present in court.
Objections and appeals: You can submit objections and appeals to rulings electronically, which facilitates following up on the case at its various stages3.

How to change official papers

To change official papers to convert to Islam, you can follow the following steps:

Pronouncing the two testimonies: The first step is to pronounce the two testimonies with sincerity, which are: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”

Go to the Sharia Court: After pronouncing the two testimonies, you must visit the Sharia Court in your country to officially register your conversion to Islam. You will need to submit a request to change your religion in the official papers.

Submitting the required documents: You may need to submit some personal documents, such as an ID card or passport. Be sure to inquire about the required documents in the Sharia Court.

Legal Procedures: After submitting the application and documents, the court will take legal steps to change your religion in the official records.

Receiving new documents: After completing the procedures, you will receive new official documents proving your Islamic religion.

6: Benefits of converting to Islam
Inner peace and reassurance
How does Islam achieve inner peace?

Islam achieves inner peace through several ways, including:

Belief in God and trust in Him: Belief that God is the Creator and Manager of everything gives a person a sense of reassurance and comfort. Trusting in God helps reduce anxiety and fear of the future.

Prayer and worship: Prayer and other acts of worship such as fasting and zakat help strengthen the relationship between a person and his Lord, which enhances a sense of inner peace and psychological satisfaction.

The Holy Quran: Reading the Quran and contemplating its meanings gives a person a sense of tranquility and reassurance. The Quran contains many verses that remind a person of God’s mercy and justice3.

Good morals: Islam urges people to have good morals such as honesty, trustworthiness, and tolerance. These values ​​help build healthy and fruitful relationships with others, which enhances a sense of inner peace4.

Meditation and contemplation: Contemplating God’s creation and God’s blessings helps calm the soul and clear the mind, which enhances a sense of inner peace.

Real stories of people who converted to Islam

There are many inspiring stories of people who converted to Islam after a long journey of searching for the truth. Here are some examples:

Dr. Ingrid Mattson:
Ingrid Mattson is a professor of religions at Hartford College in Connecticut, USA. She was originally Canadian and converted to Islam in her final year of university after being influenced by the beauty of Islamic art and began researching the Islamic religion.

Surgeon Maurice Bucaille:
Maurice Bucaille is a famous French surgeon who converted to Islam after conducting studies on the mummy of the Pharaoh of Egypt. He discovered that the Qur’an spoke of the safety of the Pharaoh’s body after he drowned, which surprised him and prompted him to search for Islam until he converted to it.

Salman Al-Farsi:
Salman Al-Farsi was a seeker of truth since his childhood. He moved between several religions until he reached Medina, where he met the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, and embraced Islam after he was certain of the truth of his prophecy.

These stories show how the search for truth and contemplation of the universe can lead a person to Islam. Is there a particular story you would like to know more about?

Belonging to the Muslim community
The importance of belonging to the Islamic community

Belonging to the Islamic community is of great importance in the life of a Muslim, as it enhances his sense of identity and belonging to his religion and nation. Here are some points that illustrate the importance of this belonging:

Strengthening Islamic identity: Belonging to the Islamic community helps the Muslim understand his religion more deeply and enhances his sense of pride and honor in his Islamic identity.

Solidarity and solidarity: The Islamic community is based on the principles of solidarity and solidarity among its members, which creates a supportive and supportive environment for every individual in society, whether in difficult times or on happy occasions.

Preserving values ​​and morals: Belonging to the Islamic community encourages adherence to Islamic values ​​and morals, which contributes to building a cohesive and stable society based on the principles of justice and benevolence3.

Education and upbringing: The Islamic community provides an educational and educational environment that helps raise new generations on the principles and teachings of Islam, which ensures the continuity of Islamic values ​​across generations4.

Defending Islam and Muslims: Belonging to the Islamic community enhances the ability of Muslims to defend their religion and beliefs in the face of various challenges and threats, whether intellectual or material.

How to participate in Islamic activities

To participate in Islamic activities, you can follow these steps:

Find local mosques and Islamic centers: Start by searching for mosques or Islamic centers in your area. These places often organize a variety of activities, such as religious lessons, dhikr circles, and social activities.

Joining Islamic associations: There are many Islamic associations and organizations that offer various activities. You can join one of them and participate in their events.

Participate in volunteer activities: Volunteering in charitable and relief activities organized by Islamic associations is a great way to get involved and contribute to the community.

Attend classes and lectures: Mosques and Islamic centers often offer classes and lectures on various religious topics. Attending these classes can be very beneficial for learning more about the religion and participating in discussions.

Getting involved in social activities: Participating in social activities such as group Iftars during Ramadan and Islamic holiday celebrations can be a good opportunity to connect with the local Muslim community.

Take advantage of electronic resources: There are many websites and applications that provide religious and educational content, and you can participate in online forums and groups.

Sure! Here is a text that can be used to invite readers to consider converting to Islam:

Invitation to Think About Islam

Dear reader,

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Are you looking for inner peace and psychological comfort? Islam provides you with the answers you are looking for.

Islam is not just a religion but a comprehensive way of life that aims to achieve happiness and contentment in this world and the hereafter. Islam calls for monotheism, which is belief in one God with no partner, and to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, who brought a message of mercy and love for all of humanity.

Through Islam, you will find:

Inner peace: Prayer and remembrance help calm the soul and strengthen the relationship with God.

Community: Islam encourages cooperation and social solidarity, creating a cohesive and interconnected society.
Justice: Islam calls for justice and equality among people, regardless of race, color, or gender.
Science and Knowledge: Islam encourages seeking knowledge and contemplating God’s creation, which enhances your understanding of the world around you.

We invite you to read the Holy Quran and learn about the teachings of Islam from their original sources. Take your time to think and reflect, and do not hesitate to ask questions and seek answers.

We ask Allah to open your heart to the truth and guide you to the straight path.

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